Thursday 28 November 2013


Free Digital Darkroom Software for Mac and Linux

Darktable is a free and open source RAW converter for Apple Mac OS X and Linux users. Its name is formed from it serving the dual features of being a virtual light table for viewing images in bulk and a virtual dark room for processing your RAW files...


Web Site


Free Darkroom Software for Windows, Mac, and Linux

Lightzone is a free RAW converter that is in a similar vein to Adobe Lightroom, though with some distinct differences. As with Lightroom, Lightzone allows you to make non-destructive edits to your photos, so that you can always return to your original image file at any time...


Web Site

Using Table as layout in HTML 5

The HTML5 specification still recommends that you don't use tables for layout, but if you do, you should differentiate those tables from tables that are used for tabular data.

Features to Define Your Table as Layout or Non-Layout

Feature of Table Is a Layout Table?
<table role="presentation"> It probably is a layout table
<table border="0"> It probably is a layout table
<table cellpadding="0"> It probably is a layout table
<table cellspacing="0"> It probably is a layout table
Use of the CAPTION, THEAD, or TH elements It probably is not a layout table
Use of the headers and scope attributes on the TH element It probably is not a layout table
<table border=""> It probably is not a layout table
<table border="1"> It probably is not a layout table
Visible borders set with CSS It probably is not a layout table

Thursday 14 November 2013

Study Your Children

The greatest gift you can give your child is not your riches, but revealing to them their own!
- Max Lucado