Tuesday 26 June 2012

Rogers Cisco DPC3825 Router - DNS Server for Static IP

Be careful, don't use the Router's IP address as the DSN Server.

You can either get the DNS IP from the Status/Gateway tab of the Router Web page or from the setting of the computer using the DHCP server.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Responsive Web Design

Responsive design is a style of web design that responds to the user as they arrive at the web page. The design will display the content most effectively with different devices.

Web pages must be flexible and adapt, they must look different depending upon what is displaying them.

Don't crate separate websites for each device, it is only a quick and dirty approach.

Responsive design treats mobile and desktop the same. But the pages that are created may look vastly different, while containing the same content.

CSS media queries were introduced as part of CSS3 and they improved on the idea of media types by looking at the actual physical specifications being sent from the browser to the computer.

 For example, to send a specific style sheet only to iPhones, you would write:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" href="480-styles.css"> 

This can handle any device that has a width less than 480px.

Small Screen Need the Important Things First

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Tuesday 5 June 2012

VLC - Display video on a specific monitor, fullscreen

On Windows 7:

Method 1
  • Tools, Preferences
  • Video, uncheck "Show media title on video"
  • Video, check "Fullscreen"
  • Interface, uncheck "Show controls in full screen mode" - you can control the play back on the main screen of the VLS icon (can pause, forward and backward but cannot jump to a position)
  • Output, select Default
  • Drag the VLC to the monitor you would like to display
  • Close VLC
  • You will see an image of the of the default size of VLC before (and then full screen showing the video) and after the video (a little bit better way is close the player right before the end of the video from the task bar)

Method 2
  • Tools, Preferences
  • Show settings, All
  • Video, uncheck "Embeeded video"
  • Output modules, select "DirectX (DirectDraw) video output
  • Output modules, DirectX, Name of desired display device, select "\\.\DISPLAY2" for the second monitor
  • Make sure the play list, the interface is previously closed on the other monitor
  • The color scheme may change (to Windows 7 basic) when open and close VLC
In case you have opened the video in the wrong monitor, you can send the windows to another screen by pressing <Windows><Shift><left arrow/right arrow> keys in Vista / Windows 7.

On Mac:

VLC, Preferences, Video
  • check Fullscreen
  • Fullscreen video device, select the display

Monday 4 June 2012

QR Code

QR codes are squares of black and white patterns that encode the URLs of Web sites in a format that can be scanned and deciphered by smartphones equipped with the right apps.

To Let Go


To Let Go....

Is not to enable,
but to allow learning from natural consequences.

Is not to care for,
but to care about.

Is not to fix,
but to be supportive.

Is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcome,
but to allow others to effect their own outcomes.


Pharyngeal Resonance

The pharyngeal (throat) resonator is the area in your throat, back of your mouth and behind your nose.
It is an area at the back of the throat that connects the mouth to the nasal cavity in the head, where your head resonance takes place. So it functions a little bit like a conduit or go-between, between the two areas.

You can feel the pharyngeal resonator by saying "ng", like in "sing". It's not like any other resonator, it's more like an application to your chest, mix or head, therefore using the pharyngeal will aid you when you go from chest to head because the resonator is used in both.

To clear up, the pharyngeal is a resonator that is used in combination with your other resonators, it's not stand-alone like chest and head.

You can't really have pharyngeal resonance on its own. You will usually have head/pharyngeal, or mouth/pharyngeal, or head/mouth/pharyngeal. Obviously, a dose of pharyngeal resonance is a healthy component of any type of Mix, although depending on the sound you are after, you can have more or less of it.

SQL Server 2012 - Sequence Object

The Release of SQL Server 2012 introduces the sequence object to the world of SQL Server. A sequence is a user defined, schema bound object that will generate a sequence of numeric values (in ascending or descending order) according to specification. Unlike identity columns, a sequence is created independent of any table.

A few interesting differences between the two are:
  • A Sequence object is independent of any table, whereas the Identity column property is table specific
  • Unlike Identity, you can generate a new sequence value before using it in a SQL Statement
  • You can define both the minimum & maximum values, as well as cycling & cache size options for a sequence
  • Unlike Identity, a SQL object will increment its value only when it is explicitly called
A detailed list of differences between Identity and Sequence objects can be found here.

CREATE SEQUENCE dbo.demo_2012_sequence AS INT

-- get one value out of the sequence object at one time
SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.demo_2012_sequence AS seq_no;
SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.demo_2012_sequence AS next_seq_no;